Bedsharing, Breastfeeding, and Mother's Mental Health with Dr. Kathleen Kendall-Tackett
Reclaiming Parenthood with Taylor Kulik - A podcast by Taylor Kulik

In this episode, Dr. Kendall-Tackett joins me to share her expertise and research on bedsharing, breastfeeding, sleep, and sleep training. We discuss: the safety of bedsharing, the complex interplay between breastfeeding, bedsharing, sleep, and maternal mental health. We also discuss whether sleep training actually improves maternal mental health. This will be the last episode of season 2. We'll be back during the new year! You can find Dr. Kendall-Tackett: CODE: save 20% on with code SLEEPONIT Kathleen Kendall-Tackett Facebook page Breastfeeding doesn't need to suck FB page