Richard Hills

Today’s guest is in my opinion - one of the coolest local body politicians you will find. And yes I said cool and politician in the same sentence! Richard Hills has been on Auckland Council since 2016 - he became the youngest person on council and lord knows we need more young people in local government! You can actually hear the passion in his voice - he is genuinely in the job to make the city a better place - it's so lovely to hear! Richard is one of the good ones, and I hope you enjoy listening to a lovely man with a brilliant heart as much as I did!

Om Podcasten

Welcome to Kiwi Yarns - those yarns you have where you sit down, put the kettle on, pour a whiskey or crack open a beer I honestly don‘t mind. Anyway! We‘re sitting down and we’re yarning to some great New Zealanders, their back stories, their front stories, even stories where they went sideways, we will go there. It’s a place where we celebrate the great people of this glorious nation.