Emily Byrne

Today’s guest is someone at the helm of a brilliant student organisation we all know and love! The amazing mahi of the Student Volunteer Army has turned it into a nationally-recognised crisis response team, ever since thousands of students mobilised following the Christchurch Earthquakes. Emily Byrne is the chief executive - and is with me this week. Her passion for helping others is pretty inspiring - from being a St John Badger as a kid to fostering 60 kittens over the years!

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Welcome to Kiwi Yarns - those yarns you have where you sit down, put the kettle on, pour a whiskey or crack open a beer I honestly don‘t mind. Anyway! We‘re sitting down and we’re yarning to some great New Zealanders, their back stories, their front stories, even stories where they went sideways, we will go there. It’s a place where we celebrate the great people of this glorious nation.