Chelsea Roper - SheBuildsBro

Today’s guest is part of a very very small group of women here in Aotearoa. Chelsea Roper - aka SheBuildsBro is a graphic designer turned carpenter - and makes up part of the 2.6 percent of tradies who are women.  She got into a trade after she and her partner packed up and left Auckland for Queenstown, and she wanted to be able to help build their own home! She uses her platform to encourage and educate other women to get amongst it, and is kicking down the doors and holding them open for others to come through, and we love that. Chelsea also shares her story of recently battling Endometriosis.

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Welcome to Kiwi Yarns - those yarns you have where you sit down, put the kettle on, pour a whiskey or crack open a beer I honestly don‘t mind. Anyway! We‘re sitting down and we’re yarning to some great New Zealanders, their back stories, their front stories, even stories where they went sideways, we will go there. It’s a place where we celebrate the great people of this glorious nation.