Seeing Your Children as Individuals and not Blank Slates

Kindred Conversations - A podcast by Paris Tews and Brittany Frye - Fridays


This episode topic has been an interesting thought claiming space in my mind over the last couple of months. In taking the role of parenting seriously, I often blur the lines between “teaching” and “supporting” with “molding” and “controlling”. It’s taken a reality check or two to remind me that my children are not, in fact, blank slates to be molded into what I see as the perfect human. Rather, they are unique individuals having a unique experience in this world and I am but a mentor to help guide them in navigating their own journey. In this episode we talk about exposure, shifting our mindsets, and encouraging our children’s self proposed interests. If you enjoyed this episode come join in the conversation @kindred_conversations on Instagram! And leave us a rating or review on Spotify or your Podcast app. Thanks for being here!

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