S06.EP01 - How to Go From Bland to Brand with Steve Noss of Cooper Parry

JUST Branding - A podcast by JUST Branding - by Jacob Cass & Matt Davies


If you are looking to build a standout brand in a comoditised marketplace then this is the episode for you! 👉 Learn more: https://justcreative.com/podcast Cooper Parry is a UK accountancy firm like no other. They are famous for being "the rebels of accountancy" and zigging when everyone else is zagging. They epitomise many of the principles brand strategists speak about in theory. Using brand and culture they have become one of the fasted growing professional services businesses in the UK. Join us from the front lines as we speak with their Creative Director (yes thats right an accountancy firm with a CD!) to unpack the story and secrets of their brand building success. Use these same principles, so you can take your business from bland to brand, you rebel!

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