What It Really Means to Be Saved and Are We Once Saved Always Saved? Episode 96

Josh Monday Christian and Conspiracy Podcast - A podcast by Josh Monday

Josh Monday Christian and Conspiracy Podcast Episode 96    Please follow my Instagram @Joshmonday_Podcast   Please subscribe to our You Tube @Joshmondaymusic and Podcast Help us grow so we can keep on spreading the good news.   To all of our current and future subscribers thank you for your time, we appreciate you. Please do us a favor subscribe, hit that bell, share, like and comment below. Please leave us a 5-Star review on Apple and Spotify. This week we get into the most important subject you will ever learn about in your walk with God, your salvation. We get into what it means to be saved. We get into how we are saved and what makes us saved. We get into several verses that have to do with being saved. We get into Several verses that would lead you to be believe you are not once saved always saved. We also get into some verses that would lead you to believe you are once saved always saved. Jason and I get deep into the word on these subjects. Tune in to find out what else we get into.

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