The Final Government, The Anti-Christ, The Serpent Seed featuring Ali Siadatan Ep. 80
Josh Monday Christian and Conspiracy Podcast - A podcast by Josh Monday

Josh Monday Christian and Conspiracy Podcast Episode 80 To all of our current and future subscribers thank you for your time, we love you and appreciate you. Please help us grow by sharing the podcast, like, comment, subscribe and comment below. Please leave a 5-star review on Apple and Spotify. On this episode we have the creator of Think Again Productions Ali Siadatan. On this episode Ali breaks down the Daniel 7 and Revelation 13 prophecy. He gives a thorough break down of each empire throughout history and what to expect in the future. He gets into the chess match between God and Satan and how the devil always tries to change the course of history. But we all know God is in control. We get into the Gog and Magog war. We get into what nations are representing the Eagle of Zues today. We got into the financial systems of today and how Ali believes they will affect prophecy. All in all, this was an amazing episode that needs to be heard. Think Again Productions: