Sofia Smallstorm vs Big tech

Josh Monday Christian and Conspiracy Podcast - A podcast by Josh Monday

We have a very special show for you guys a returning guest Sofia Smallstorm.  We go into an AI computer system that Mark Sagar created its like an AI Baby. We go into how East India Company compares to the Big tech companies of today.  We also get into how East India Company was moving not only goods  but Opium and human trafficking. We get into how Cell phones, Facebook, and all Social media companies are recording every move you make. Every like, share, comment, picture its all data being saved to the cloud and being sold to other companies. Also the data is being saved and used to create a super human AI. We get into how some people are actually using Robots as companions. We go over a ton more its was a great show please share, comment, like and watch the whole video.    Visit for some videos, Blogs and great products.   Follow me on instagram @joshmondaymusic

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