20 Feb 24 – Middle Ages: People Loved Virtue and Practiced Cleanliness

Jesus 911 - A podcast by Jesse Romero, Eddie Chavez, Ruben Nava

Today's Topics: 1, 2) People in the Middle Ages loved virtue, and, therefore, practiced cleanliness https://www.tfp.org/people-in-the-middle-ages-loved-virtue-and-therefore-practiced-cleanliness/?PKG=TFPE23020 3, 4) Can those who missed out on Traditional Baptism get the exorcisms “supplied”? https://onepeterfive.com/traditional-baptism-exorcisms-supplied/#:~:text=The%20ceremonies%20of%20the%20old%20rite%20cannot%20be,incomplete%20in%20the%20rite%20that%20was%20actually%20used  

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