Startled by Grace Part 3: “A New World”
Jesus 120 - A podcast by Jimmy Harris
In week three of the series “Startled by Grace” we look at how God’s grace brings us resurrection life in Christ. He invites us to worship Him and enter into the adventure of life with Him, and when we receive that gift of life, we are able to pour His grace out to others. Key verses: Genesis chapters 8-9, 1 Corinthians 15:16-20 Read the key verses and discuss the following questions: 1. What does it mean to you to rest in the resurrection power of Jesus? What does that look like? 2. Reflecting on Gen. 8:18-20, what are some sacrifices you have made in your life for a loved one or for your future? How does your sacrifice compare to the sacrifice Jesus made for you? 3. Noah and his family were put into a whole new world. Do you feel like you entered a whole new world when you received the grace of God? Why or why not? 4. How should God’s grace show up in our relationships with other people? Is there room for us to judge others or be harsh if we are under His grace? Why then does that still happen? How do we combat it? 5. Without using names, what are some ways we can show grace practically to people (or organizations) around us?