Just Give Part 5: “Stewarding our Time”

Jesus 120 - A podcast by Jimmy Harris

In week five of our series on giving we discuss the topic of “Stewarding our Time.” Our time is a gift from God, and a finite resource of this life. If we are not intentional about how we spend it, we can squander the limited amount that we have. God calls us be thoughtful and purposeful in allocating our time towards the things that are eternal and not the fleeting busyness of this world. Key Verses: Mark 1:35, Psalms 63:1-4, Philippians 4:12-13, Psalms 90:4,10 Read the key verses and discuss the following questions: 1. Mark 1:35 tells us that Jesus woke up early and went to a desolate place to pray. How is this a good model for tithing our time? Why is it important to first give our time to God before trying to budget it for others? 2. Have you experienced God stretching your time when you are willing to offer it to Him first? How is this similar to what we have learned about financial tithing? 3. Time is a resource that will run out, how can you invest it into something eternal? 4. Do you control your calendar or does it control you? Why is saying “no” so difficult? Why do we get so much of our identity from our level of busyness? 5. Do you agree that rest is important? Why or why not? Do you feel that you get enough rest? Why or why not?

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