188 JSJ JavaScript Code Smells with Elijah Manor

JavaScript Jabber - A podcast by AJ ONeal, Charles Max Wood, Aimee Knight, Dan Shappir, Steve Edwards, Christopher Buecheler, Dave Smith, JC Hiatt, Chris Ferdinandi, Steve Emmerich, Joe Eames, Aaron Frost, Tim Caswell, Cory House, Christian Liebel, Ward Bell, Tracy Lee, Jamison D... - Tuesdays

Check out JS Remote Conf!


02:22 - Elijah Manor Introduction

04:49 - What is a “Code Smell”?

10:21 - Copy/Paste Code Error

13:11 - Using ES6 to Eliminate Code Smells

15:48 - Refactoring Case Statements

21:29 - Juniors and Code Smells

  • Code Reviews

27:29 - Isomorphic Code

31:12 - Framework Code Smells

33:47 - Identifying New Code Smells

36:33 - When Code Smells are OK

39:10 - Why use parameters?


Terms And Conditions May Apply (AJ)
Nodevember (Aimee)
Developer Tea (Aimee)
Jake Shimabukuro (Joe)
Screeps (Joe)
react-styleguide-generator (Elijah)
react-styleguidist (Elijah)
The Phantom Menace - What it Should Have Been (AJ)
Attack of the Clones - What it Should Have Been (AJ)

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