174 JSJ npm 3 with Rebecca Turner and Forrest Norvell

JavaScript Jabber - A podcast by AJ ONeal, Charles Max Wood, Aimee Knight, Dan Shappir, Steve Edwards, Christopher Buecheler, Dave Smith, JC Hiatt, Chris Ferdinandi, Steve Emmerich, Joe Eames, Aaron Frost, Tim Caswell, Cory House, Christian Liebel, Ward Bell, Tracy Lee, Jamison D... - Tuesdays

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02:28 - Forrest Norvell Introduction

02:37 - Rebecca Turner Introduction

03:05 - Why npm 3 Exists and Changes in npm 2 => 3

  • Debugging
  • Life Cycle Ordering
  • Deduplication

08:36 - Housekeeping

09:47 - Peer Dependency Changes

15:38 - The Rewrite Process and How That Enabled Some of the Changes Coming Out

22:50 - shrinkwrapping

27:00 - Other Breaking Changes?

  • Permissions

30:40 - Tiny Jewels

33:24 - Why Rewrite?

36:00 - npm’s Focus on the Front End

42:04 - Transitioning to npm 3

42:54 - Installing npm 3

44:11 - Packaging with io.js and Node.js

45:16 - Being in Beta


Slack List (Aimee)
Perceived Performance Fluent Conf Talks (Aimee)
Paul Irish: How Users Perceive the Speed of The Web Keynote @ Fluent 2015 (Aimee)
Subsistence Farming (AJ)
Developer On Fire Episode 017 - Charles Max Wood - Get Involved and Try New Things (Chuck)
Elevator Saga (Chuck)
BrazilJS (Forrest)
NodeConf Brazil (Forrest)

For quick testing: `npm init -y`, configure init (Forrest)
Where Can I Put Your Cheese? (Or What to Expect From npm@3) @ Boston Ember, May 2015 (Rebecca)
Open Source & Feelings Conference (Rebecca)
bugs [npm Documentation] (Rebecca)
docs [npm Documentation] (Rebecca)
repo [npm Documentation] (Rebecca)

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