166 JSJ New Relic with Wraithan and Ben Weintraub

JavaScript Jabber - A podcast by AJ ONeal, Charles Max Wood, Aimee Knight, Dan Shappir, Steve Edwards, Christopher Buecheler, Dave Smith, JC Hiatt, Chris Ferdinandi, Steve Emmerich, Joe Eames, Aaron Frost, Tim Caswell, Cory House, Christian Liebel, Ward Bell, Tracy Lee, Jamison D... - Tuesdays

02:27 - Coding House Scholarship Winners with AJ and Aimee

  • Emily Dreisbach (50% scholarship winner)
  • Blake Gilmore (50% scholarship winner)
  • Berlin Sohn (100% scholarship winner)

Congratulations from the panelists of JavaScript Jabber!


09:48 - Ben Weintraub Introduction

10:40 - Wraithan Introduction

11:01 - Why Care About Monitoring?

13:08 - Mixedpanel

13:57 - How it Works on the Backend

17:26 - New Relic’s CEO: Lew Cirne

18:37 - How the Node Agent Works

23:27 - Deciding Which Databases to Support

26:41 - Browser Monitoring

32:54 - Using Zombie.js?

34:11 - Tree of Causality

39:37 - Monetizing Aspect, Viewable Source/Source Available Code

47:28 - Performance

01:00:53 - New Relic


mraleph Blog (Wraithan)
v8-perf (Wraithan)
The Dear Hunter: A Night on the Town (Jamison)
React Rally (Jamison)
caddy (AJ)
Windows 10: Setup your Raspberry Pi 2 (AJ)
Remote debugging protocol (Ben)
Chrome Dev Tools Filmstrip View (Ben)

Visit the podcast's native language site