MUM v NANNY: Qualities of A Good Nanny
It's in Our U.N.A. Podcast - A podcast by Sarah Heward & Rachael Coates

In this episode Rachel and Sarah discuss the qualities in a childcare provider that they look for, qualities that have made family life both easier and better. They each discuss their top three qualities and why they are so key to nannying and childcare in general. If you have a quality you think they might have overlooked then please get in touch! KEY TAKEAWAYS Confidence – This is Sarah’s number 3 quality as Nanny. She said if she didn’t have this confidence when nannying she wouldn’t be where she is today. Initiative – This is Rachel’s number 3 quality as a Nanny. She wants her Nanny to have some autonomy so they can do things on their own initiative rather than asking questions about every single detail. Adaptability – This is Sarah’s number 2. Big and small things alter and change. You have to be able to adapt to change really quickly when working with a family. High Energy - This is Rachel’s number 3. She recognises this is a very personal thing to her but she doesn’t understand ‘downtime’ as a thing, she wants her childcare provider to be active and doing things all day with the children. To Infinity and Beyond – This is the number 1 quality Sarah believes you need as a Nanny. Somebody who understands that making a difference is what they are there to do, going above and beyond to do all the extra things that are needed. Listening - This is Rachel’s absolute number one quality! If you don’t listen and pick up on the clues around you then how can you be the best for your family. You need to recognise what the children and family need and make everything about them. BEST MOMENTS “That confidence in my skillset made me a very able nanny” “Having that adaptability to not take things personally and know that sometimes you have to go a little bit out of the box…that is a really rare quality to find in someone…it takes so much emotional intelligence” “It’s about getting that value-match right” “If I am doing something that will make a difference, then I want to do that” “The reward still outweighs the stress” VALUABLE RESOURCES ABOUT THE HOST Sarah Heward has an early years degree and then became a professional nanny. From her successes she went on to publish fist children's book and launched a nanny agency with a difference (built for modern day nannies and families) with her business partner Dr Rachael Coates. Rachael is an entrepreneur, general surgeon and mum of three who has lived the chaos, tears and fleeting victories of early parenthood. Together they are looking to empower more families to make the empowered choices towards being a happy family. CONTACT METHOD [email protected] show was brought to you by Progressive Media