Talking To Teens About Race and Racial Issues

Inside The Mind of Teens and Tweens - A podcast by BAM Radio Network

Our guests tell us that many families avoid at home discussions about race for vraious reasons. Tune in to learn why the ability and practice of talking openly to your teens about race is so critical. Follow: @DrHoward_REC @Annie_Fox, Deborah Rivas-Drake, Ph.D., is Associate Professor of Education and Psychology at the University of Michigan. Dr. Howard Stevenson has served for 30 years as a clinical psychologist working conducting family therapy in low resourced rural and urban neighborhoods across the country and author of "Promoting Racial Literacy in Schools: Differences that Make a Difference." Annie Fox, M.Ed. is an educator and award-winning author, including, :Teen Survival Guide to Dating and Relating; Too Stressed to Think?"

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