81. USA Skateboarding’s “Skateboarding For All” Initiative with Miki Vuckovich
If We Knew Then - Down Syndrome Podcast - A podcast by Stephen and Lori Saux - Mondays

If all the world were a skate park, celebrating our abilities and individual expression would be a given. In this episode we talk to Miki Vuckovich from USA Skateboarding about their “Skateboarding For All” initiative. The beauty found in the inclusive skating community is one we strive to cultivate in the classroom and the world. You can join them on December 11th for a Virtual Wrap Party which includes members of the U.S. Olympic team and several skateboarding legends. USA Skateboarding Web site: www.usaskateboarding.com USA Skateboarding 2021 Wrap Party (tickets and info): https://usaskateboarding.com/blogs/news/meet-the-team-usa-skateboardings-2021-wrap-party Miki Vuckovich, USA Skateboarding Director Of Development: miki.vuckovich@usaskateboarding.com Skateboarding For All initiative announcement: https://usaskateboarding.com/blogs/news/usa-skateboardings-inaugural-skateboarding-for-all-event-los-angeles-november-2021 Inaugural Skateboarding For All clinic, Los Angeles (11/6/21): https://youtu.be/hl4aWq7mWRo USA Skateboarding, Journey To Tokyo documentary (45 min): https://youtu.be/Y5zbqoKlblg What Is Adaptive Skateboarding? video (3 min): https://youtu.be/rUgWNT14iSg Adaptive Skateboarding In The Paralympics video (7 min): https://youtu.be/bM3jKgI2lxg Oscar Loreto, Jr. (USA Skateboarding Board Member and adaptive pro skater): https://www.instagram.com/oscarloretojr/?hl=en Katherine Beattie (WCMX athlete): https://www.instagram.com/ktbeattie/?hl=en Episode Transcript: https://ifweknewthen701833686.wordpress.com/2021/12/02/81-usa-skateboardings-skateboarding-for-all-initiative-with-miki-vuckovich/2/ Please follow us on Twitter @ifweknewthenPOD you can drop us a line on our Facebook page @ifweknewthenPOD or visit our website https://www.IfWeKnewThen.com to send us an email with questions and comments. You can join our mailing list there and get alerts of future podcast episodes. Thank you again and we look forward to you joining us on the next episode of IF WE KNEW THEN.