147. T21 Coffee - Giving Back to the Down Syndrome Community - Johan Lindborg
If We Knew Then - Down Syndrome Podcast - A podcast by Stephen and Lori Saux - Mondays

In this episode, we speak with Johan Lindborg, founder of t21 Coffee. We had a beautiful conversation discussing his journey with his 12 year old son Cooper and how he has transformed from the doubts he had and the darkness he felt when receiving the Down syndrome diagnosis. It is an open and honest discussion that touches on fears to which any parent can relate. In the face of those fears, he created T21 Coffee, which both employs individuals with Down syndrome and donates a portion of every bag sold to Down syndrome research. T21 Coffee: https://www.t21coffee.com Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/t21coffee Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/t21coffee1/ Episode Transcript: https://ifweknewthen701833686.wordpress.com/2023/07/09/147-t21-coffee/2/ Please follow us on Twitter @ifweknewthenPOD you can drop us a line on our Facebook page @ifweknewthenPOD or visit our website https://www.IfWeKnewThen.com to send us an email with questions and comments. You can join our mailing list there and get alerts of future podcast episodes. Thank you again and we look forward to you joining us on the next episode of IF WE KNEW THEN.