102. DSC2U: Preventative and Proactive Means To Staying Healthy with Dr. Brian Skotko

If We Knew Then - Down Syndrome Podcast - A podcast by Stephen and Lori Saux - Mondays

This week we get to talk to Dr. Brian Skotko again! Dr. Brian has some updates to DSC2U.org to discuss and we also chat about the T21RS International Conference that will be taking place in Long Beach, CA. June 9-12. Dr. Brian Skotko is the director of the Down Syndrome Program at Massachusetts General Hospital, a Board-certified medical geneticist and has dedicated his professional energies toward children with cognitive and developmental disabilities. DSC2U: https://www.dsc2u.org 5-min video about DSC2U: https://youtu.be/u-DlSQanj54 Trisomy 21 Research Society International Conference (June 2022): http://www.t21rs.org More about Dr. Skotko: https://www.massgeneral.org/doctors/19069/brian-skotko Episode Transcript: https://ifweknewthen701833686.wordpress.com/2022/05/26/102-dsc2u-preventative-and-proactive-means-to-staying-healthy/2/ Please follow us on Twitter @ifweknewthenPOD you can drop us a line on our Facebook page @ifweknewthenPOD or visit our website https://www.IfWeKnewThen.com to send us an email with questions and comments. You can join our mailing list there and get alerts of future podcast episodes. Thank you again and we look forward to you joining us on the next episode of IF WE KNEW THEN.

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