Jimmie Lee from Ethan Klein's H3 Podcast Crosses the Line | Howie Mandel Does Stuff #139
Howie Mandel Does Stuff Podcast - A podcast by Howie Mandel Does Stuff Podcast - Tuesdays

Jimmie Lee, The Jersey Outlaw talks about becoming a famous dentist, tells jokes and confuses Jackie. Howie Mandel Does Stuff Available on Youtube - https://youtu.be/SEYi9-DYVsI Visit https://www.thejerseyoutlaww.com/ for more Jimmie Lee! Visit https://www.howiemandel.com/ for more! Get official "STUFF" Merchandise here: https://store.roosterteeth.com/collections/howie-mandel Thanks to our sponsors: Go to http://shadyrays.com and use code HOWIE for 50% off 2 or more pairs of polarized sunglasses. Go to http://prizepicks.com/howie and use code howie for a first deposit match up to $100! Jimmie Lee from Ethan Klein's H3 Podcast Crosses the Line | Howie Mandel Does Stuff #139 https://youtu.be/SEYi9-DYVsI Socials @thejerseyoutlaw @howiemandel @jackelynshultz #JimmieLee #TheJerseyOutlaw #H3