22 How She Celebrates Christmas

The Family Lab - A podcast by Whitney Archibald

Christmas is coming--portly goose and all--whether that fills you with glee or stress. Today we’re going to dig into this dichotomy, and hopefully get rid of any dread. Christmas should be a season of joy and dare I say peace—even for moms. Fear not! You too can enjoy Christmas. Resources mentioned in this episode: Audibletrial.com/howshemoms Ceri Payne coaching Family Looking Up Podcast The Mom Hour Podcast December Intentions for Busy Moms: 2018 Holiday Special #2 Light the World Advent Calendar The Lindsay Report Helping of Happiness Podcast Episode 34 Power in Motherhood with Paula Wood Episode 32 Christ-Centered Christmas with Merrilee Boyack How She Moms Facebook Group Everyday Reading Janssen’s Christmas book list A Valentine Banner Made from Christmas Cards Brooke Romney Scripture Advent Gift lists for boys Arabah Joy Christmas Traditions Christmas Scavenger Hunt

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