Medieval: War of Scottish Independence 2 - William Wallace
History Storytime - For Kids - A podcast by Sophie (7) & Ellie (5) tell history for kids

Sophie (aged 7) and Ellie (age 5) tell the true story of William Wallace, of Braveheart fame, and his fight for Scotland’s freedom.----more---- 800 years ago England’s King Edward I has crushed Scotland. He chose and then removed Scotland’s King. But revolts break out across Scotland. One of the leaders is called William Wallace. He gathers more and more rebels to his cause. Then he meets up with other Scottish rebels. But the English know their knights are invincible. So they send out an army of Knights to crush Wallace and his rebels. The two armies meet at Stirling. The English cross the narrow bridge but find themselves cut off from the bridge and with their horses stuck in the mud. Thousands are killed. Wallace is appointed Guardian of Scotland. But Edward I then invades again. The two armies meet at Falkirk. This time Edward relies on his Welsh archers to break up the Scottish formations. Then the English knights charge and crush the Scots. Wallace flees and goes into exile. But the flame of rebellion has been lit. Now the Scottish nobles join the fray – in particular a young nobleman called Robert the Bruce. We will hear more about him in our next episode. But Wallace returns to Scotland he is betrayed to the English. The English give Wallace a terrible punishment. He is to be hanged, drawn and quartered. PARENT ADVISORY: Sophie (age 7) gives a detailed description of the execution. It is at 08:20 and is clearly sign posted in case you want to fast forward it. The girls really wanted to do it properly. NEW PATRONS CLUB - EXTRA EPISODES: In this episode we also explain our new Patrons’ Club. There are different tiers of membership. But they all involve more episodes each month and you can get to choose your episode or even be in an episode. We’d love you to become a member. Go to to sign up and to listen to our latest exclusive episode on the Seven Wonders of the World.