Explaining the Protestant Reformation
History 102 with WhatifAltHist's Rudyard Lynch and Austin Padgett - A podcast by Turpentine

In this episode of History 102, 'WhatIfAltHist' creator Rudyard Lynch and co-host Austin Padgett talk about the Protestant Reformation, masterfully drawing parallels between historical information technology revolutions (like the printing press) and our current internet age, exploring how such advances fundamentally alter how societies process information and relate to authority. They offer fresh perspectives on well-worn historical territory, suggesting for instance that the Reformation wasn't just about religious doctrine, but represented a quantum leap in human agency and individualism that helped birth the modern world. -- 📰 Be notified early when Turpentine's drops new publication: https://www.turpentine.co/exclusiveaccess -- SPONSOR: GIVEWELL | NOTION GiveWell spends 50,000 hours every year doing deep-dives into different charitable programs to try to find the ways to do the most good for your dollar. GiveWell has now spent over 17 years researching charitable organizations and only directs funding to a few of the HIGHEST-IMPACT opportunities they’ve found. Visit https://www.givewell.org to find out more or make a donation. Select PODCAST and enter Econ 102 at checkout to make sure they know you heard about them from us. Notion offers powerful workflow and automation templates, perfect for streamlining processes and laying the groundwork for AI-driven automation. With Notion AI, you can search across thousands of documents from various platforms, generating highly relevant analysis and content tailored just for you - try it for free at notion.com/cognitiverevolution. -- RECOMMENDED PODCAST: 🎙️ Unpack Pricing - Dive into the dark arts of SaaS pricing with Metronome CEO Scott Woody and tech leaders. Learn how strategic pricing drives explosive revenue growth in today's biggest companies like Snowflake, Cockroach Labs, Dropbox and more. Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/id1765716600 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/38DK3W1Fq1xxQalhDSueFg -- FOLLOW ON X: @whatifalthist (Rudyard) @LudwigNverMises (Austin) @TurpentineMedia -- TIMESTAMPS: (00:00) Intro (01:10) History as psychological/biological process (01:50) Importance of psychological shifts in Reformation (02:10) Two modern parallels to Reformation (02:50) Warhammer Fantasy analogy (03:10) Catholic Church's medieval dominance (05:39) Carl Jung's analysis of Catholicism (10:11) Information technology breakthrough comparison (10:35) Gutenberg's printing press invention (11:24) Media control in 20th century (12:29) Sponsors: GiveWell | Notion (15:20) Catholic Church's role in literacy (18:26) Catholic Church as science investor (19:00) Discussion of Cathars and early heresies (20:01) Impact of Black Death (21:30) Italian Renaissance discussion (31:30) Martin Luther's background (35:40) Luther's 95 Theses (43:40) Introduction of Calvinism (46:06) Calvinism and totalitarianism (49:52) Spanish attempts to destroy Protestantism (51:20) Germanic and English Protestant adoption (52:34) Modern elite's Protestant/French Revolution roots (54:40) Harvard's Calvinist origins (56:02) Left's appropriation of Protestant ideas (57:30) Modern rejection of rational inquiry (58:41) Elite perspectives on population control (1:00:07) Book recommendations begin (101:09) Show outro and network information -- BOOKS RECOMMENDED: "The Reformation" by Will Durant" "Protestants: The Faith That Made the Modern World" by Alec Ryrie "Doubt" by Alec Ryrie "A Secular Age" by Charles Taylor "Rise of the West" by William H. McNeill