Don't You Know That You're Toxic
Hi My Name Is Mom - A podcast by himynameismom - Tuesdays

This week, the girls are joined by Kristen Brust, of the In Kristen We Brust podcast, to talk about toxic relationships, and how those experiences shape the way we give and receive love, the way we communicate, the way we talk to ourselves, and the way we parent! And... it’s becoming a season 2 trend that something unexpected happens! Hint: it involves one of us calling the other out for some could-have-turned-toxic behavior! Follow us @himynameismomofficial! And follow Kristen @alittlebitfancy @inkristenwebrust ---------------- We'd love to hear from you - stories, comments, momfessions, and topic ideas! And if you enjoy our podcast, please take a moment to rate, review, subscribe, and share with your friends!