70 - How to SAFELY Co Sleep & bedshare. A MUST LISTEN even if you DO NOT plan to!
Hey Shayla - Judgement Free Motherhood 😅😭😍 - A podcast by Shayla Christine

Hey Shayla Podcast | Ep: 070 Guest: Tiffany Belanger (the safety captain) with @cosleepy on instagram RESOURCES: FREE bedsharing guide: https://cosleepy.com/safe-bedsharing-guidelines James McKenna’s book “Safe infant sleep” https://amzn.to/4bPwWUq Safe Infant Sleep resources: https://www.safeinfantsleep.org/ HeyShayla Podcast - episode 037 titled “Cosleeping: what no one tells you” When Tiffany Belanger became a new parent and her newborn would not sleep in his bassinet, she was sho...