Takila Shamere -Christian Relationship Coach

Happy Single MOM - A podcast by Khalifa Araba


Takila Shamere -Christian Relationship

My guest today Takila Shamere discusses everything Christian Relationship Coach.

Teaching Christian women (SINGLES & BRIDES) how to proactively prepare to be a wife

💋Wife & Mom.

Check out her page for - Free Wife Strategy Guide

In the podcast, we discuss the mistakes she sees singles making and Takila tells me all about her BS theory-NOT THE CURSE WORDS

B - Blocking your Blessing

S- Stuck in the Past

Here are some of the questions I asked in the podcast

  1. Tell that audience about yourself and your platform?
  2. You teach Christian women how to build a Christ-centred relationship as they prepare to become a wife. How do you do this and why do we need this so much in 2022. 
  3. Why do think so many women are single?
  4. What are your thoughts on the red pill male advice on social media 
  5. What big mistakes do you think singles make
  6. How can women date with purpose 
  7. How can single moms date with Jesus at the centre
  8. What are your thoughts on celibacy?
  9. When do you think you should introduce a potential partner to your children?
  10. How can we date and connect people during the pandemic?
  11. Where can people find you on social media

Follow her for more: https://www.instagram.com/takila_shamere/?hl=en

Follow my page: happy_singlemompodcast

Thank you to @mayaisac for letting me use her song 'when I get there'.

Visit the podcast's native language site