Takila Shamere -Christian Relationship Coach
Happy Single MOM - A podcast by Khalifa Araba

Takila Shamere -Christian Relationship
My guest today Takila Shamere discusses everything Christian Relationship Coach.
Teaching Christian women (SINGLES & BRIDES) how to proactively prepare to be a wife
💋Wife & Mom.
Check out her page for - Free Wife Strategy Guide
In the podcast, we discuss the mistakes she sees singles making and Takila tells me all about her BS theory-NOT THE CURSE WORDS
B - Blocking your Blessing
S- Stuck in the Past
Here are some of the questions I asked in the podcast
- Tell that audience about yourself and your platform?
- You teach Christian women how to build a Christ-centred relationship as they prepare to become a wife. How do you do this and why do we need this so much in 2022.
- Why do think so many women are single?
- What are your thoughts on the red pill male advice on social media
- What big mistakes do you think singles make
- How can women date with purpose
- How can single moms date with Jesus at the centre
- What are your thoughts on celibacy?
- When do you think you should introduce a potential partner to your children?
- How can we date and connect people during the pandemic?
- Where can people find you on social media
Follow her for more: https://www.instagram.com/takila_shamere/?hl=en
Follow my page: happy_singlemompodcast
Thank you to @mayaisac for letting me use her song 'when I get there'.