Relationship advice with Pastor RC BLAKES
Happy Single MOM - A podcast by Khalifa Araba

Relationship advice with Pastor RC BLAKESSoul ties, Energy and Broken men R.C. Blakes, Jr. is a husband and father of four. He is a grandfather. RC is an empowerment speaker. Though he is a pastor, preacher and teacher his approach is conversational. He believes that transformation happens in conversation. He tackles issues and subjects that are sometimes uncomfortable for many leaders to address and maybe even difficult for some people to understand.RC is the pastor of the New Home Family Worship Center of Louisiana and Texas. He is the author of several books, including: Queenology, Imperfectly Holy, Soul-Ties and others. His most popular is entitled The Father Daughter Talk, which is actually more than a book- it is a national movement.His women’s empowerment conferences ( Queenology) are life changing for women who travel from around the nation and abroad. RC has traveled extensively to communicate the principles of: healthy relationships- self-discovery- self-love, faith in God- and success in life.As a result of his relevant and laid-back approach to communication, social media has become a natural and comfortable platform for his message and ministry of empowerment. On a daily basis he is impacting the lives of people around the world through many social platforms.RC is a native of New Orleans, Louisiana and lives between New Orleans and Houston, Texas. He has a passion to help people to understand purpose and to move beyond their pain through understanding. He’s married to Lisa Blakes. The two of them are partners in purpose as they work to change the world, one honest and transparent conversation at a time.What is a Soul tie looks like?They might include:Obsessing about a person in your thoughts – particularly during the daytimeDreaming about a person or waking up thinking about them regularlyImagining or hearing a person’s voice in your headHow to break a soul tieBreaking a soul tie has roughly four phases:1) Acknowledge it is thereMuch like anything which might be classed as a kind of addiction, acknowledging that you have a problem is the first step.2) Decide you’re going to do something about itNext up is action. This action can take many forms. Some people like to find someone to talk to about their problems. 3) ForgiveThis is often the most difficult step to take. In some cases, this might be because you feel that it is the other person in the bond who should be asking for your forgiveness. 4) Break the soul tieThe final step is to remove any physical objects which might link you to a person. IF YOU WANT TO CHANGE NEGATIVE PATTERNS IN YOUR RELATIONSHIPS. FOLLOW HIS PAGE " IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE". Follow me on Instagram @Happy_singlemompodcast Thank you @mayaisac for letting me use her song