He gave you WHAT STD ???? STD Life Coach Belize Spivey
Happy Single MOM - A podcast by Khalifa Araba

In 2019, there were 468,342 new sexually transmitted infection (STI) diagnoses made at sexual health services in England. Of these, the most commonly diagnosed STIs were chlamydia (229,411; 49% of all new STI diagnoses), gonorrhoea (70,936; 15%) and genital warts (51,274; 11%).Between 2012 and 2019, rates of new diagnoses increased for:chlamydia: a 3.5% increase, from 394 to 408 per 100,000 populationgonorrhoea: a 151% increase, from 50 to 126 per 100,000 populationsyphilis: a 152% increase, from 5.6 to 14.2 per 100,000 population.Over the same time period, there was a decline in new diagnoses of genital warts (a 36% decrease, from 142 to 91 per 100,000 population), and the rate of genital herpes diagnoses remained constant at 61 per 100,000 population.Overcoming What Can’t be Cured is Belize Samuel’s seven-year journey to overcoming the stigma of herpes. This book is transparent, inspiring, and full of real situations. The fight of living with herpes is unseen. Many individuals are living in fear and shame because of this incurable STD. This book will display Mrs. Samuel’s emotions, thoughts, and actions to overcome what many individuals dream too. Mrs. Samuel will walk you through her diagnosis, pregnancy, and meeting her husband. Overcoming What Can’t be Cured will display the opportunity to live beyond the herpes stigma. You’re not ALONE~ Belize SamuelAccording to STD life coach Belize Spivey, having herpes doesn’t mean you’re destined to live as a spinster. You can continue dating and engaging in sexual activity. Spivey contracted it 11 years ago, and learning to live with it forced her to do a lot of self-reflection when it came to her dating habits. She discovered that she had an unhealthy relationship with sex, using it to cope with low self-esteem and to feel better about herself. Contracting herpes made her revaluate her reasons for sexual activity and do the inner work necessary to move forward. Once she was able to do that, she learned that there was life after herpes. She started her business, Overcoming, in 2015 as a way to support other Black women like herself. Products : https://www.stdlifecoach.com/overcomerstoreInstagram : https://www.instagram.com/coachbelize/Testing: https://www.mylabbox.com/?sscid=a1k5_f6ky6&utm_source=SAS&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=2980531&afftrackTake advantage of the resources that help dismantle stigmas surrounding it. If your status has impacted your self-esteem, seek therapy to discuss your thoughts about your diagnosis. You can also join a support group such as Overcomers. Most importantly, communicate with potential partners, love yourself, and know that life with herpes doesn’t have to mean a life without love. Thank you @Mayaissac for letting me use her song 'when I get there' Please email me if you would like to be featured in the podcast or plug in your product - [email protected] me on Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/happy_singlemompodcast/