God IS Glamorous- Johanna Marie

Happy Single MOM - A podcast by Khalifa Araba


God IS Glamorous- Johanna Marie

Easter is one of the principal holidays, or feasts, of Christianity. It marks the Resurrection of Jesus three days after his death by crucifixion. For many Christian churches, Easter is the joyful end to the Lenten season of fasting and penitence.

My guest today is Johanna King from GOD IS GLAMOROUS shares her own resurrection story on how her faith gave her new life. Following her having a termination of pregnancy she met GOD and he saved her.

"That's what JESUS does," she told me in the podcast. Once you repent -he saves you. Her new song is about her abortion story check it out:-I Repent - Johanna Marie-  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5cnX5zPb54

Johanna King is a YouTuber, Business Owner, Website Designer, Graphic Designer, Content Creator and Co-Founder of God is Glamorous (God is the Founder).

Johanna decided to create her ministry because God put it on my heart to integrate Christ and Biblical concepts together while also sharing the gospel in a way that the modern-day woman could understand. Entrepreneurship is her passion and she enjoys helping women start and grow profitable, scalable companies that truly serve others and ultimately bring glory to God!

God is Glamorous (God is the Founder) helps people If you desire to grow closer to God while also connecting with like-minded women, then this is the community for you. Everyday they have Prayer Calls (Monday-Friday), Weekly Bible Studies, Monthly Book clubs, as well as other meet ups to help us start and grow our companies. If you'd like to grow closer to God in a fun, modern and innovative way, then this is the Community for you!

Spreading the Gospel all over your timeline

These are the questions that i asked Johanna

  1. Tell the audience about yourself and your platform?  
  2. What inspired you to start the page? God id Glamourous 
  3. Tell me your saved story? What does Jesus mean to you? Why is important to spread the Gospel all over your Timeline
  4. Tell us about your Christian connection and why it's so important to have a network?
  5. How do you help people build a Kingdom Business?
  6. How have you found dating as a Christian?
  7. Why is important for us as Christians to pray?
  8. I love how practical you are on your page, can a Christian drink, can a Christian smoke weed. Why do think conversations like this are needed as Christian?
  9. What does celibacy mean to you?
  10. How have you found dating as a Christian?
  11. What are Christian dating red flags?
  12. Why is forgiveness important as a Christian?
  13. What do you wish more people knew about God?
  14. Where can people find you on social media?

Follow her on Instagram @godisglamorous

Follow me on Instagram @happy_singlemompodcast

Thank you to @mayaissac for letting me use her song 'when i get there'.

Visit the podcast's native language site