Divorcing Powerful Men - willow brook financial planning

Happy Single MOM - A podcast by Khalifa Araba


Todays guest is Ceri from willow brook finances who helps women handle their money when divorcing powerful men. Ceri can show you how the best and worst case financial scenarios could play out for you in divorce, so you can feel CALM, empowered and in control.You are making progress with your divorce, and you have a legal team who are starting to talk about what a potential settlement offer could be.BUT you don't know how to know if this deal will work for you.The problem is, it's so hard to see how the figures being talked about play out in the real world. It seems like a huge decision, and you want to be sure that you don't get this wrong.You worry that you may miss something, especially as your ex has so much financial strength and experience on his side.This is where she can introduce you to the CALM programme.Ceri believes that when you make finances clear you take away the fear. You can feel CALM about making confident money decisions because you are informed and able to see the road ahead.I also believe that financial services typically doesn't make it easy for women to do this.Which is why I am passionate about stripping out the ego, noise, jargon and austere image and just show up as my real self. Because I believe financial services needs a feminine shake up, to make it more engaging and accessible to women, bringing bucket loads of empathy and a straight forward approach.willowbrookfinancialplanning: Top Instagram Bio Links - Smart.bioThank you @mayaisac for letting me use her song when i get there Do you need help with a divorce : https://6290b6q-y2o2as3cmjqecwcue9.hop.clickbank.net/

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