Episode 23: Encouraging Kids to Play Outside
Mum Mates with Claire Russell - A podcast by Claire Russell

In this episode today I am recording for my garden on Earth day with the Sun on my face listening to the birds singing, how lovely! And I am talking about encouraging our children to play outside whether that’s a garden or a public space. The benefits of children exploring and learning about nature and how you can be creative with the resources you’ve got. I also asked if you noticed any change in the way that your children play outdoors and I’d love to hear from you! Also don’t forget that April is outdoor month for playHOORAY! And for this month we have exclusive outdoor bundles available on the playHOORAY! website which will help you to find new ways to play outdoors! Visit www.playHOORAY.co.uk to find out more and come and chat to me over on Instagram and Facebook @play.hooray