Encore: Elizabeth’s Peaceful Surprise Twin Homebirth
Happy Homebirth - A podcast by Katelyn Fusco - Mondays

What surprised you most about your homebirth? Was it… the way you vocalized during your surges? Or maybe it was how incredibly accomplished you felt afterward? Or… was it the number of babies that you gave birth to? This week we’re speaking to Elizabeth Parsons, who really brought the surprise factor to her fourth birth and first homebirth. Episode Roundup: Can you imagine that experience? The shock of thinking you’re pushing out a placenta, but then being handed a second baby? Absolutely incredible. As we head into this week’s episode roundup, I wanted to focus on a few things that came up. I love that Elizabeth brought up the ridiculousness of due dates. Number one, they’re not even a good average of first time labors. Number two, why? Why must we assign this additional stress to our bodies and our babies when they’re simply just trying to grow and work together? Elizabeth brought up some great points regarding the immediate postpartum, and just how… not conducive the hospital can be to bonding, and not even conducive to healing or establishing our milk supply— nutrition is so important, and jello just doesn’t really cut it…. You know, unless it’s grass-fed gelatin made at home, which is actually my favorite. One of my favorite aspects of Elizabeth’s final labor was when her midwife so tenderly read her affirmation and scripture cards to her. I’m sure it was such an encouraging moment in her labor. And finally, my friends…birth is a mystery. Sometimes it unfolds similarly to what we expect, and other times we birth a surprise second breech baby. No matter how it presents itself (pun intended), birth is so beautiful, and so transformative. And mamas, we can do amazing things. Okay my friends, that’s all I’ve got for you for today. Before you hop off, would you take a screenshot of this episode and share it on your instagram stories? Tag happyhomebirthpodcast and purqelyparsons and tell me your favorite takeaway from this episode! Join The Homebirth Collective Join Happy Homebirth Academy Code PODCAST for 10% off