62. Top 10 - #3 Married Life!

Grace Momma Grace - A podcast by Brynne Wise


For the rest of 2021, Brynne decided to do something a little different. She looked at the most popular (i.e., the most listened to) episodes from 2021 and decided to re-share them. Maybe you're new here and you never got to hear them the first time! Maybe you've been here since the beginning and are in a new season of life now and re-listening will bless you with new insight! Wherever you are, enjoy these Top 10 episodes from Grace Momma Grace! Here is number 3! "Unlike the movies make it seem, marriage is not all mushy gushy love and rainbows fabulousness 10000% of the time. Can it be at times? Of course! Will it always be? No. Absolutely not. Brynne's parents are divorced, and it rocked her world. As a result, it has made her INCREDIBLY passionate about working hard to make your marriage work (and please don’t misunderstand, she is talking about normal relationships here. She is NOT talking about abuse.). In this episode, Brynne shares four life saving tips about making your marriage work.  Unmet expectations are the leading cause of divorce. Let's chat about it."

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