59. Top 10 - #6 Grace After Losing a Child with Nancy Poulsen!
Grace Momma Grace - A podcast by Brynne Wise

For the rest of 2021, Brynne decided to do something a little different. She looked at the most popular (i.e., the most listened to) episodes from 2021 and decided to re-share them. Maybe you're new here and you never got to hear them the first time! Maybe you've been here since the beginning and are in a new season of life now and re-listening will bless you with new insight! Wherever you are, enjoy these Top 10 episodes from Grace Momma Grace! Here is number 6! "A few weeks ago, Brynne interviewed guest Rebecca Boyer about losing a child through stillbirth (Episode 36). After that episode, Brynne wanted to dive even deeper into the loss of a child. What about all the other ways there are to lose a child? What about suicide? Drug overdose? Accidents? Miscarriage? Well...believe it or not, Brynne knows someone who has experienced all 5 of those. Miscarriage, stillbirth, drug overdose, suicide, and a car accident. One momma, one family, experiencing all of that. Bring your tissues, and learn all about Nancy Poulsen and her amazing family, and the ways in which she has been able to carry on despite debilitating loss. You are not alone momma. We are never alone!"