16. Get Un-Busy!

Grace Momma Grace - A podcast by Brynne Wise


Ever since Brynne's dad passed away last July, songs that talk about being alive, and coming alive, have been REALLY powerful for her. It’s one thing to have air in your lungs, and a beating heart… it’s another thing entirely to live a life where you FEEL alive. And spoiler alert… busyness does not mean we are alive. It does not mean we are fulfilled. Or joyful. “Why have we all assumed that busyness is a good thing? Because our good commitments build our busyness. Busyness is an overcommitment to do too many good commitments. When I was busy, my life was full of good commitments. Work, family, school, church, friendships - all of these were good. But when I added those good commitments together, they became too much. They became the opposite of good. They became bad… Too many good commitments add up to a bad life” (Getting Unbusy by Garland Vance). As we live everyday life, let’s make sure we’re filling our calendars with the things that ACTUALLY help us come alive. The things that bring us joy. Contentment. Fulfillment. Peace. Love. Abundance. Only YOU know what truly does that for you. Let’s be more aware. Let’s pay attention. Let’s come alive. Listen to this episode, and we'll chat more about getting UNBUSY!  “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” -Howard Thurman

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