You Shall Not Make Idols

God's Big Story - A podcast by The Village Church


Get ready for a lively and enlightening exploration into the Bible's second commandment in this week's episode of God's Big Story. Julie and Matt, alongside our special guest Steven the Carpenter, unravel the true meaning of the commandment - "You shall not make for yourself an idol." We discover that idols are not just about graven images but anything or anyone we love more than God. So, join us on this insightful journey, as we unravel God's Word and learn to apply it in our lives. Watch this video to learn all 10 commandments! Helpful Definitions: IDOL — Anything we love and trust more than God. Scripture Reference: 1 Samuel 5:2-3 5-Second Fly Through Review: Anyone or anything you love more than God is called an… (IDOL) True or False. The Second Commandment says “you shall not make for yourself an idol.” (TRUE) True or false? There aren’t any examples of idols to false gods in the Old Testament (FALSE! THE OT REFERENCES MANY FALSE GODS AND THEIR IDOLS) Is it ok to worship other things or people besides God? (NO! ONLY GOD DESERVES OUR WORSHIP!) Song: God is Good by The Village Kids If you’ve enjoyed this episode, one of the best ways to support the show and make sure others find it, is to subscribe and leave a review. Thank You! Editing and support by The Good Podcast Co.  For sponsorship inquiries, email [email protected]

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