Remember the Sabbath
God's Big Story - A podcast by The Village Church

We have a special guest joining us, Dr. Mitch, who offers a fascinating perspective on the role of rest in our lives, both from a spiritual and physical health viewpoint. Tune in as he clarifies the concept of Sabbath and why God, although not needing rest Himself, emphasized the importance of rest for us. We explore the concept of Sabbath being a 'stopping day', and even look into Genesis to examine where this idea originated. Watch this video to learn all 10 commandments! Helpful Definitions: THE SABBATH — A day of rest. It’s a day every week to remember that our bodies need a break because we can’t work like God works. Scripture Reference: Genesis 2:1-3 5-Second Fly Through Review: True or False. Sabbath means “to rest” or “to stop working.” (TRUE) True or False. God rested on the Seventh day because he was tired (FALSE. GOD DOESN’T GET TIRED. HE RESTED BECAUSE HE WAS FINISHED.) Fill in the Blank. The Fourth Commandment says to work for six days then rest, or stop working on the ____________ day. (SEVENTH) True or False. Only adults should follow and obey the Sabbath. (FALSE. THE SABBATH IS A GIFT TO EVERYONE!) Song: God is Good by The Village Kids If you’ve enjoyed this episode, one of the best ways to support the show and make sure others find it, is to subscribe and leave a review. Thank You! Editing and support by The Good Podcast Co. For sponsorship inquiries, email [email protected]