Jesus Heals the Paralytic Man

God's Big Story - A podcast by The Village Church


We continue learning about the life and ministry of Jesus! This time, we talk, read, and sing about how God is good as we read about the time Jesus healed the paralytic man. Helpful Definitions: MIRACLE — something amazing - that doesn’t normally happen - that shows God’s power. Scripture Reference: Mark 2:11-12 5-Second Fly Through Review: Where was Jesus teaching the crowd of people? (HIS HOUSE!) There was one man who wanted to see and hear Jesus for a very special reason. What was the reason? (HE COULDN’T WALK.) Who brought this man to see Jesus? (HIS FOUR FRIENDS) Why couldn’t the man and his friends get into the house? (IT WAS TOO FULL OF PEOPLE) Did the friends just give up and go home? (NO!) What did the four friends do to get the man in front of Jesus? They lowered him through… (A HOLE IN THE ROOF!) Did Jesus heal this man? (YES! HE HEALED HIS BODY!... AND IS HEART) Song: God is Good by The Village Kids If you’ve enjoyed this episode, one of the best ways to support the show and make sure others find it, is to subscribe and leave a review. Thank You! Editing and support by The Good Podcast Co.  For sponsorship inquiries, email [email protected]

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