The Church Begins

God's Big Story - A podcast by The Village Church


Sean and Julie are joined by their friend, Jack Hammer the Builder, to learn about how the early Church began! Helpful Definitions: THE CHURCH — Everyone who has ever loved and trusted Jesus. Scripture Reference: Acts 2:46-47 5-Second Fly Through Review: Everyone who has ever loved and trusted Jesus is called the... (THE CHURCH) The Church is God’s… (FAMILY) Who started the Church? (GOD) What does the Church do because God loves them? (THEY WORSHIP GOD) What is worship? (WORSHIP IS TELLING AND SHOWING GOD THAT YOU LOVE HIM, TOO!) What are some ways the Church worships together? (LISTENING TO AND OBEYING HIS WORD, SINGING ABOUT HOW GOOD GOD IS, LOVING OTHERS, AND GOING ALL OVER THE WORLD TO TELL EVERYONE THE GOOD NEWS ABOUT JESUS!) Is God still bringing more and more people into His family? (YES!) What is the Church waiting for? (FOR JESUS TO COME BACK, MAKE ALL THINGS NEW, AND BE WITH GOD FOREVER!) Song: God is Good by The Village Kids If you’ve enjoyed this episode, one of the best ways to support the show and make sure others find it, is to subscribe and leave a review. Thank You! Editing and support by The Good Podcast Co.  For sponsorship inquiries, email [email protected]

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