The Ducks of Lake Ballyquirke by Izzi D'Esposito

Girl Tales - A podcast by Cordelia Studios


After spending their days littering the lake in their kingdom, Helene and her siblings are turned into ducks and banned to Lake Ballyquirke for 300 years! Writer: Izzi D'Esposito Starring: Adriana Colon, Tessa Flannery, Cristina Pitter, & Chad Chenail Producer:Chad Chenail Assistant Producer: Megan Bagala Executive Producer: Rebecca Cunningham Hosts: Rebecca Cunningham & Charlie McElroy Music: Cup of Tea from the Washington Celtic group Sláinte Licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution from For the Grownups!Patreon: Time Donation:’s Newsletter: Tales Grown-Ups Group: See for privacy and opt-out information.

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