Global business. Story of a business owner in Finland from the Middle East. Mehdi Yarmohammadi
Roman Shamray Podcast - A podcast by @romanhelsinki

Check Roman: Click this “Follow” button so you never miss an episode. Check Mehdi: In this episode, you will hear the conversation between two business immigrants and dive deep into the story of Mehdi who moved from Iran in pursuit of his global business ambitions. He shares insights and key learnings. On the agenda: -Why would you listen? -How to get from the Middle East to Finland -How to become an entrepreneur -What are the tips for repeating the journey - from the Middle East to Finland -How to become valuable for any company -Importance of the Mindset -What are the challenges of running a business in Finland as an immigrant? -How to adjust to different markets? -How to do Business in Finland? -Difference of doing business in Germany, Finland, Spain-How to sell - Ideal Customer profile -How to create a network? -Content as a part of sales -Final tips for entrepreneurs Click this “Follow” button so you never miss an episode.