What Pandemic Marketing Looks Like for Big Tech — and the Pivots Needed

Futurum Tech Webcast - A podcast by The Futurum Group


In this episode of the Futurum Tech Webcast, Daniel Newman is joined by partner and fellow analyst Shelly Kramer to explore what pandemic marketing looks like for Big Tech. Their conversation revolved around things to keep in mind as we transition to digital events and other marketing tactics — and the important pivot needed by Big Tech in order to stay connected with customers and prospects in the year ahead.


Their conversation explored how companies are dealing with the events that they’ve been relying on for decades are cancelled, and what a “new normal” in terms of tech brands connecting with customers and prospects might look like — or at least a temporary normal as we move from in person events to digital events. The conversation also included insights on:


  • Big tech is experiencing two years’ worth of digital transformation happening at the speed of light


  • Why (and how) social habits need to be revisited


  • How to replace face-to-face interactions that happen at live events and how brands can pivot to create and/or participate in digital events that look and feel like the next best thing to in person interactions. Being raw, being vulnerable, offering up the human side of the brand is not only possible, it’s incredibly impactful.


  • How things like podcasts, webcasts, fireside chats video discussions, online media events, and well-executed digital events can all play an outsized role in how big tech is able to pivot — in pandemic times and beyond.


They examined some of the digital events they have sat through these last few weeks and touched on the good (and there wasn’t much) and the not-so-good that they saw along the way — and what brands can learn from those early experiences. The explored how brands need to pivot and what marketing messaging should look and feel like.


Want more on that (of course you do!) you can watch the video here — be sure to subscribe to the Futurum YouTube channel while you’re here.


You can find more insights from the Futurum Research team on the Futurum Website and connect with Shelly Kramer and Daniel Newman in social as follows:


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Daniel Newman Twitter

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