How Video Fits into Your Long-Term Digital Workplace Strategy with Pexip’s Jordan Owens

Futurum Tech Webcast - A podcast by The Futurum Group


On this episode of Navigate, a special six-part podcast series with Pexip and Futurum Research, host Daniel Newman talks with Jordan Owens, VP of Architecture at Pexip, about how video fits into your long term digital workplace strategy.


Video Complements In-Person Meetings


COVID-19 forced companies to turn to video to work effectively and to connect with teams and employees now spread out across the country. While video is great for maintaining face-to-face interactions when remote, there will always be value in meeting in person. When we come out of this pandemic and return to business as normal, people will crave the human-to-human interaction.


But video will augment those meetings and help fill in the gaps. If someone is working from home or travelling, video conferencing will be more normal to ensure that person is connected to the workplace.


Businesses will realize that they used video to fill the void during this pandemic, why can’t it continue once we emerge and return to normal?


Realizing the Benefits of Video


Video conferencing will also be part of the digital workplace strategy because companies will finally see its worth. Companies will realize that this technology will help accelerate transformation and improve efficiency ultimately improving the bottom line. It will also likely eliminate unnecessary travel, saving companies money. A lot can get done in a well-assembled, secure, high definition, quick, easy to enter, frictionless video meeting. No need to travel across the country or across the globe for meetings.


For employees, video will be empowering. Employees will have a better work life balance once video is part of the digital workplace strategy. The current work environment is illustrating that employees can be effective working from home with video. Jordan predicts that managers and leaders will empower employees to make the decisions that are right for themselves. That could be creating a flexible work schedule, eliminating travel, or working from home full time. Employees are going to figure out how to use the tools they’re given, including video, to be more effective in their role in the workplace.


How to Deploy Video as a Long-Term Strategy


It’s clear that video is now mission-critical. Once we return to our normal work environments, IT leaders will be tasked with determining if they have the right tools in place to support video in the digital workplace strategy. This will likely require an audit and internal reflection on processes that are currently in place to determine where video fits.


Video isn’t going anywhere. It will soon be built into the fabric of how we work. If you’d like to learn more about Pexip, their products, offerings, and how they can help you add video to your digital workplace strategy, be sure to check out their website or listen to the full episode of Navigate below. 

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