12. Motherhood, Creativity, Identity & Twins

For Modern Mothers Podcast - A podcast by Susan Bradley


I am delighted to have a guest of the podcast who, like me, is a twin mother! 

Flora Croft is a poet, a psychotherapist and a mother of twins. She's just released her debut book of poetry 'I am a Spider Mother' through the brilliant Mum Poem Press (a publishing house who exclusively publish work by mothers and about motherhood - how very brilliant!)

This groundbreaking book of poetry is a unique creative exploration of twin motherhood, but also of identity as a mother, transformation, vulnerability, pregnancy, infertility and IVF and also the relationship between grandmother, mother and children too. Basically the poems and themes are so relevant to all mothers.

We chat about creativity in motherhood and about writing as a vessel for this, how Flora got into poetry and how it is much more accessible than it may be perceived from the outside - especially for mothers. How the act of getting words down on paper in some way can be so cathartic as well as creative. 

We discuss identity change and transition as a mother, and how it is not always easy, fun or enjoyable - and it's OK to feel that way. That it’s ok to not enjoy mothering - it can be hard, it can be boring, it can be tedious, but that doesn't mean you don't love your child. You can love your baby or children without loving all the domestic work mothering entails.  But also please know that if you get to the point where you’re constantly low and feel unable to bond with your baby, or you have distressing thoughts about hurting yourself or your baby, then contact your GP for professional support as soon as possible to get the support you need.

Flora also shares some of her favourite poets that inspire her, and that may inspire you too. And I was delighted she agreed to read two very beautiful poems from her book too - which are really stunning. I am sure you'll find them so moving, I really did.

Find out more about Flora at:


Instagram @poet.therapist.baker

And you can find out more about the brilliant Mum Poem Press, where you can give writing poetry a go with their 'The Mum Poet Club' - a writing group for parents who write poetry. And of course where you can head to pre-order Flora's book I Am A Spider Mother too:


Instagram: @themumpoempress

You can find out more about my Blank Page - Journalling For Welling online course here too: https://www.yogaformodernlife.com/online-courses

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