Leading, Doing the Work, & Communication - Guest Dan Cockerell - 92
Find My Catalyst Podcast - A podcast by Mike Simmons
Leadership Lessons from Dan Cockerell This week Dan Cockerell joins us on the Catalyst Sale podcast to discuss leadership, experience, doing work, and his next journey. Dan recently retired from the Walt Disney Company, as the Vice President of the Magic Kingdom, and has recently launched his consulting, public speaking, and virtual COO practice. Questions Addressed Did Dan say "Yes" too fast at times? Was it tough to decide to make the move to leave the stability of the Walt Disney Company? How do you get feedback from the frontline when you are leading a large organization? How do you inspire others to engage? Why is hiring important, and how does Dan identify talent? Where does nature vs nurture fit in ideal roles? How can podcasting help with internal communication? How does Dan differentiate between Coaching vs Mentoring vs Training? What's Dan currently working on? What has Dan learned about selling? Key Takeaways Grab the next opportunity, and focus on it like every other job, and make good things happen "I guess you'll have to go out and get a job" if it doesn't work out. "Do Your Best and Forgive Yourself" - Admiral Charles Payne, Naval Academy class of '42 - Have a high expectations for yourself, but know you will fail sometimes. (mind) The Gap - we all have a belief system, there is who we want to be, what we want to do, but sometimes we fall short. Hold yourself accountable to "the gap". What you do, defines who you are. Doing the work is important. Be intentional, but do not look like you are being intentional. Walk the floor, work with customers, interact with others in the operation. Don't go into feedback discussions with an agenda. When you get information, you have to use it correctly. Building a relationship takes care of a lot of things. When Dan facilitates roundtables, he starts with sharing experiences and asking for their thoughts on the scenarios. There is always something between the lines, make sure you are listening. If you are out there, and accessible, you have a better chance of success. Talented people in the right job, with the right skillset, do great things. Find the best person you have worked with, or the person on your team who you really enjoy working with, think of their traits, what makes them the best. Frame your interview questions around those traits & behaviors. Be open & authentic when evaluating data & asking questions, whether in the hiring process, or when bringing on clients. (internal podcast) When launching the internal podcast, Dan was working to address a gap in communication and reach. He wanted the team to hear his voice. He did this by recording on his iPhone & distributing the MP3 to the cast members. Don't stress or over think the tech. This does not need to be overproduced. No one is above coaching. Coaching is an in the moment thing. If it is done right, it is based on improving performance. Training is technical in nature, it is less behavioral, according to Dan. An Advocate is a person who is in a position of authority, they can advocate for the person when they hear about a role. The Mentor is a thought partner.I can meet with them periodically, we can work through scenarios. Mentoring is a partnership - Dan You are the one who can take the action. Leverage the collective intelligence & perspective of your tribe of mentors. Dan's three areas of focus. Consulting/Coaching Keynote Speaking Virtual COO Be a student, ask questions, be humble, but have confidence. Show Links LinkedIn DanCockerell.com The article of the Week Call to Action What do you think about fractional roles? Let us know via twitter @catalystsale or email us directly. Please share your stories with us @catalystsale on twitter or via [email protected] ---------------------- Thank you Ratings & reviews help others discover the podcast - thank you for helping us get the message out to the community. Please send listener questions and feedback to [email protected] or contact us directly on twitter, facebook or LinkedIn. Catalyst Sale Service Offerings Growth Acceleration - Plateau Breakthrough Product Market Fit Catalyst Sale - Sales Fundamentals Training Program ---------------------- Subscribe to the Catalyst Sale Podcast Subscribe via iTunes Subscribe via Google Play Catalyst Sale In every business, in every opportunity, there is someone who can help you navigate the internal challenges and close the deal. There is a Catalyst. We integrate process (Catalyst Sale Process), technology and people, with the purpose of accelerating revenue. Our thoughtful approach minimizes false starts that are common in emerging markets and high-growth environments. We continue to evolve our practice based on customer needs and emerging technology. We care about a thinking process that enables results versus a process that tells people what to do. Sales is a Thinking Process.