How To Apply Basic Sales Skills When Job Hunting - Guest Mike Conner - 219

Find My Catalyst Podcast - A podcast by Mike Simmons


Mike Conner is back.... In this episode, Mike talks with Mike about ways to apply basic sales skills when job hunting, along with a number of other things.  Don't miss the last 10 min where we discuss some foundational things many sales pros miss. Questions Answered: How can you apply sales skills to a job hunt What basic things can early Sales Pros do better? Key Takeaways: Be sure to take time to have an evaluation process. Ask if you really enjoy what you are doing. Ask, is this new thing that I am looking to do the right fit for me? If you do good things over a long period of time, things tend to work out. Use the following criteria when thinking about a new position: Who is hiring? Who is thriving? How have they navigated their way through our current working environment? Are they living their mission? Try to make meaningful connections. Basic things that any early Sales Professional can work on doing better: Pick the company you are going to invest your time in wisely. Ask questions and take the information in. Listen to the answers. Don’t wait to build your network and build a diverse network Do the basics - ask questions, put together project plans, account plans, territory plans and call plans. Do the work. Don’t wait to continue learning new things. Leverage the people that are inside your organization. Show Links:  Mike Conner on Twitter Mike Conner on LinkedIn Work With Catalyst Sale: Listen to our free resource (this podcast) and then put the action items into practice. Share your work with us via Twitter or [email protected] Invest in a Catalyst Sale course - self directed. Find our courses here  Hire us as a consultant/advisor within your team or organization  Thank You  Please send listener questions and feedback to [email protected] or contact us directly on twitter, facebook or LinkedIn. This podcast is brought to you by Catalyst Sale - you can learn more about Catalyst Sale, and the products and services we provide via the following links. Growth Acceleration - Plateau Breakthrough Product Market Fit

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