Episode 38: Return of the Mamatletas
Fencing Podcast - The Fencing Podcast - A podcast by The Fencing Podcast

We look at the decisions of the FIE Congress (and are appalled), discuss the action from Algiers (Mens Sabre and Womens Foil) and Gav expresses his disappointment with a result that he should love… you’ll have to listen to find out why. Coolest fencer on the planet is a bit of a surprise… no spoilers! Also a large shout out to the returning Mamatletas! We find searching Kabcom for the relevant links a bit difficult. Rest assuered, it’s all in here somewhere! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRKcRBFMZyzW8Ko7qhI908Q With tanks to our lovely sponsors: www.leonpaul.com Become a Patreon supporter of the podcast: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=4988869