Ep. 48: Fathering Series: From Mountain Gorillas to Humans, What Matters in Fathering?

Evolutionary Parenting Podcast - A podcast by Tracy Cassels, PhD


I would first like to welcome you to the final episode of this season. I am thankful to all of you who listen and give me hope that there are still those people out there who respect and love science as much as I do and who find the work of researchers who rarely get to be in the spotlight as fascinating as I do. This final episode – also the last in the fathering series, but I promise there will be more focus on fathers going forward – tackles the issues of co-parenting, the role of biological paternity, dads as “babysitters”, and more through research on a very unique population - Mountain Gorillas. I am joined by Dr. Stacy Rosenbaum, whose name you may remember if you listened to my interview with Dr. Lee Gettler, as she discusses her work and how we can think about this work as we tackle the human questions and issues surrounding fathering and parenting in general. Plus, there’s a whole story on sharks too! Thank you all again for listening and enjoy your final episode of the season. Dr. Stacy Rosenbaum: https://lsa.umich.edu/anthro/people/faculty/biological-faculty/rosenbas.html Shark Story: https://people.com/celebrity/video-great-white-shark-rescue-cape-cod/ Relevant articles: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1090513821000465 https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-33380-4 https://www.annualreviews.org/doi/abs/10.1146/annurev-anthro-102218-011216 https://scholar.google.com/scholar?cluster=4497059527531484752&hl=en&oi=scholarr

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