Ep. 43: How does our stress response develop in response to early childhood adversity?

Evolutionary Parenting Podcast - A podcast by Tracy Cassels, PhD


Stress is a hot topic today with many people worrying about the degree of stress they face daily. We know stress in our adult lives is a problem, but I often hear people speak about stress as if it's only an adult problem. Sadly children can face many stressors - some of them quite large - early in life and this can have profound and nuanced impacts on their development, especially how they respond to stress in the future. Joining me today is Dr. Brie Reid, a researcher focusing on the effects of exposure to early life stressors - and the removal of these stressors - and that impacts the development of our stress and other physiological outcomes, including new findings that might bring hope to many. Dr. Brie Reid: https://www.briemreid.com/about Dr. Reid on Twitter: https://twitter.com/briemreid?lang=en Articles of Interest: https://www.pnas.org/content/116/48/23984.short https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/development-and-psychopathology/article/abs/challenges-in-researching-the-immune-pathways-between-early-life-adversity-and-psychopathology/1E51BFF08BB16A4786661B4214DA7C86 https://www.annualreviews.org/doi/abs/10.1146/annurev-devpsych-121318-085013

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